
Valérie Fillion Explains Why She’s Going to Xplor This Year

12 September 2024

Why am I going to Xplor 2024?

From October 28 to 31, I’ll be at Xplor, but in a different capacity.

I’ll be there to complete the handover to our new Director of Communications, Ian.

I’ll also be there to see everyone I’ve worked with over the years: the ones I only get to see once a year during this event, and the ones who have supported our annual convention and helped it continually improve.

I’ll be there to attend the AGM and meet the directors, take part in the opening cocktail gala, and raise a glass with you.

I’ll be there to enjoy the fruits of the labour of Brigitte, Benoît, Marc, and Sylvain, who have put together the top-notch program our attendees enjoy so much.

I’ll be there to see our loyal, dynamic exhibitors and thank our partners for their invaluable support.

I’ll be watching the discussion panels unfold, like the one on the state of our relations with the environment, moderated by Jacynthe Lafond and featuring Andréanne Boisvert, Sylvain Lehoux, and Joanie Caron, as well as the one on investment prospects, changes, and solutions, hosted by Frank Mariage. I’ve always loved seeing our progress and improvements in our practices!

Of course, I’ll be at the Gala to celebrate everyone’s achievements.

And finally, I’ll be there to connect and chat with you.

I could name you all, but I’d be afraid of forgetting some! One thing’s for sure, though: I can’t wait to say hello, meet with you, and hear what you have to say.



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