Each year, QMEA highlights and honours the enthusiasm and entrepreneurship of companies and individuals working in development of Quebec’s mining exploration industry, by presenting various awards at its Awards Gala held during the Xplor convention.


QMEA encourages you to submit a nomination, whether for yourself or a colleague. QMEA considers this a unique opportunity to recognize and highlight the work of players in the mineral sector and contribute to its members’ outreach.


Recipients 2023

Jean-Descarreaux Award 2023

Mr. Silvain Rafini

This award is bestowed to highlight the contribution of an individual to enhanced geoscientific knowledge linked to mining exploration, through his writing, thereby leading to growth in exploration activities.

Hector-Authier Award 2023

Mr. Jean-Pierre Janson

This award is bestowed to highlight the career of an individual whose work over many years has made a significant contribution to the development of mining entrepreneurship in Quebec.

Nicolas-Denys Medal 2023

Mr. Christian Tremblay

This award is bestowed to highlight the career of a prospector who, through his work over many years, has made a significant contribution to the development of prospecting and mining exploration in Quebec.

Leadership in Economic Contribution to Mineral Exploration 2023

Mrs. Isabelle Cadieux

This award is given to an individual or an organization of the business and/or finance and/or law domain that has significantly contributed to the mineral exploration industry.

Service company of the year 2023

Rouillier Marketing Strategy

This award is bestowed to highlight the work of a service company that, through its development and expansion of its services, made a significant contribution to the development of mining exploration in Quebec or elsewhere.

Entrepreneur of the year 2023


This award is bestowed to highlight the work of an entrepreneur (or team of entrepreneurs) whose company made significant progress over the past year. This progress may be linked to specific development of a project or to all the company’s activities.

Award of Excellence in sustainable development 2023

O3 Mining

This award is presented to a company to highlight its high standards in sustainable development.

Discovery of the year 2023

Patriot Battery Metals, Corvette Project

This award is bestowed to highlight the significance of a recent discovery that generated a major spinoff effect on exploration activity on the same property or within the immediate region.