
COVID 19 – Measures to relaunch exploration

9 April 2020

We would like to update you about COVID-19 and its impacts on mineral exploration.

Measures proposed by the Federal:

GST- QST: The federal and provincial governments have announced that the GST / QST payment will be postponed until June 30.

Wage subsidy

The federal government will provide a 75% wage subsidy to small businesses for salaries paid since March 15. This will replace the previously announced 10% wage subsidy. We do not yet have the details of the criteria and it is unclear whether exploration companies will be considered.

We will get back to you shortly.

Measures specific to mineral exploration discussed with Quebec:

Professional travel authorization: Here is a model letter which will be used to prepare a document attesting to the professional travel authorization from one region to another in Quebec.
COVID-19_Modèle_Contrôles-routiers_Mars20_vf.docx (French only)

Mitigation measures :
Many of you have written to us and made suggestions. Three major points stood out and here is where we are:

1 – Work requirements (Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources):
We had discussions with the MERN in order to postpone the obligation to carry out the work (deposit the work and make the payment) to renew a claim. The file is under analysis and we will contact you when a decision is made.

2 – Revenue Québec’s capacity to process files:
Revenue Québec has informed us that there will be no delay in processing requests.

3 – Flow-through expenses in 2020 (Finance Canada and Quebec):
We have contacted Finances Québec, the MERN, Natural Resources Canada and are in discussions with the PDAC and the other Canadian Associations in order to put pressure on Finance Canada to obtain an extension of the deadline for spending the funds coming from the letter of credit. We are monitoring the file.

Next step
The first step was to find mitigation measures to stabilize the situation.
The next one is to set up measures to revive exploration activities on the ground as soon as possible when the prohibitions are lifted.

We would like to have your suggestions, so that they can be submitted, analyzed and discussed with the various departments concerned. This can involve administrative measures as well as government investments.

We invite you to send your suggestions to who will compile them.

Thank you for your cooperation and we will keep you informed.

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